The transition from primary to secondary school is a major step for many students. The Buckley Park College transition program assists this process and helps students feel welcome, valued and confident. Students in Year 7, for instance, have a Home Group where most of their classes take place. Our Peer Support program, developed by our Wellbeing Team, allocates Year 10 Leaders to each home group. These leaders plan and run lessons to engage students, help them connect with peers and feel part of and get to know the college as a whole. The leaders will also be involved in the Year 7 Adanac Camp in Term 1, further helping develop social skills, resilience and independence.
In Term 4, future Year 7 students will get a taste of high school through the transition program. Key dates can be found below.
Music Expo, Information Evening and Welcome BBQ
PAT Literacy and Numeracy Testing
Orientation Day- Tuesday 10 December 2024
The videos on the side of the page are designed to introduce students to life at Buckley Park College.
School Uniforms
Buckley Park College has a uniform shop on campus. It is the bright coloured building located next to the basketball courts and can be accessed via the gate on Nimmo Street. The BPC Uniform Shop Regular Trading Hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
Book online for a Private Uniform Fitting Appointment
Code: skkgw
Typically, a fitting takes about 30 minutes. The uniform, which is fitted with ‘room to grow,’ is purchased on the day. Providing certain conditions are met, exchanges can be made in January before the school year begins. Accepted payment options are cash, eftpos and credit card.
Appointments for private uniform fittings will also be available outside regular trading hours in November and December so remember to book online for a uniform fitting appointment.
PLEASE make every reasonable attempt to attend your appointment at the time you selected.
If you are unable to keep your appointment then please cancel online 24 hours prior, so that someone else can use the time slot.
© 2023 Buckley Park College